Starting 2023 the right way!

Starting 2023 the right way!

We really do have the best customers and want to thank you all for your support. These are challenging times for many reasons and we never take our customer both new and old for granted. So thank you for choosing us and thank you to our long term customers for returning time and time again over many years. It really does mean a lot.

We have also achieved a STAR SELLER RATING on Etsy for our consistent high levels of service too. With the challenges the trade has had with stock delays, this really does show some real effort and is a nice boost to the start of the year.

You can look forward to a large increase in our vintage stock levels, with more help on hand there will be more exciting pieces in the shop. It’s going to be fun!

Updates soon, as always keep an eye on the shop!

…and the very best of luck to you all for 2023

Team Cambrewood